Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Life.. now and hereafter...
friends use to ask..
how is life..
the answer is ..
life is great..
but how great is your life..
and how fine is your life..
no matter how great you are..
surely there is always somebody
who is much greater than you..
somebody tends to think that they are greater than others..
is it a necessity at this age..
the end of time..
as i see it..
at this moment..
there are so many things which is very much different from those days..
those days if you meet someone ..
introduce yourself.. just a little humble..
then someone you meet will feel at ease with you..
can be afriend..
and have due respect for you..

but now..
at this age..
the age at the end of time..
if you introduce yourself and with humble look..
you are nothing..
compare if you introduce yourself..
with a little of arrogant, elegant and the high class type..
you will immediately capture friends around you..
you will get all the due respect..
even the very young ones will open their mouth wide and the big..
after that you will enjoy the attention that you would like..
why??? does this happen..

at this age..
it is the age where the fittest survive...
so if you are arrogant, elegant and with the high class look..
then actually it shows you are among the fittest..
and you are going to survive..
so in your survival..
surely you will need support..
that counts for the presence of those around you..
for now..
leave that sweet little girl look..
leave that well behaved soft spoken girl behind..
but be the outgoing, outspoken and the daring person ..
so you are going to be the survivor...

is it practical..
is it worth the fight..
are you going to forgo your very own friend for your own survival..
if ever you survive..
are you going to have a peace of mind..

well ..
the choice is yours..
everyone should be able to strike a balance
between the modern life
and the old traditional values that we still uphold..
but personally i believe and still choose
the old tradisional values..
cos it ensures peace and harmony..
there must be a little bit of gives and takes..
there should not be too much givess or too much takesss
because when you give too much..
you will go out of stock..
or when you take too much..
then you would not have enough space to store your takes..
so always have a balance diet...

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